Item Coversheet
For Meeting of February 8, 2021
Agenda Item # 7.A.

TITLE:  Ordinance No. 2319- Water Service Amendments 

Updating Chapter 52 of the Hermiston Municipal Code related to Water 

Summary and Background

This ordinance makes relatively minor, but comprehensive, changes to update the Water Chapter of the City Code as part of Council’s ongoing effort to update the entirety of the City Code to bring it in to compliance with local, state, and federal laws and regulations.


The vast majority of Chapter 52, “Water” exists as it was originally adopted in the early 1960's. State and Federal regulations have evolved with respect to this code chapter over the course of 60+ years.


A comprehensive update of this ordinance required changes to be made throughout the entirety.  However, all changes are relatively minor, and fall in to one of the following categories:


1.  Reconciliation with current State and/or Federal Environmental Law.

2.  Reconciliation with current State Utility Financing Law.

3.  Reconciliation with current State Utility Customer Rights’ Law.

4.  Verbiage update for precision & inclusion (i.e. changing “his” to “their”)


With respect to changes bringing the code in compliance with current law, these are considered relatively minor changes because compliance with those regulations have meant that our operations have de-facto been operating this way for some time.

Tie-In to Council Goals:

Fiscal Information

These changes will have a negligible fiscal impact on the Water Utility.

Alternatives and Recommendation

Approve Ordinance No. 2319

Do not approve Ordinance No. 2319


Approve Ordinance No. 2319

Requested Action/Motion

Necessary motions to approve Ordinance No. 2319

Submitted By:  Byron D. Smith
Ordinance 2319Ordinance