Item Coversheet
For Meeting of August 13, 2018
Agenda Item # 11.D.

TITLE:  Resolution No.- 2105 Water System Land Acquisition 

This resolution #2105 will declare public necessity to acquire real property for the North Hermiston Reservoir and Water System Improvements- 2019 Project, and direct staff to acquire the property.

Summary and Background

This action is necessary to continue development of the North Hermiston Reservoir project in order to acquire the land necessary to place the reservoir.

The 2018 update to the City’s Water System Master Plan identifies additional water storage as the top priority need to ensure the continued health and welfare of our customers.  The Master Plan also identifies that the Northeast quadrant of the City’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) lacks sufficient pressure to accommodate future development.  Additionally, the Northeast quadrant of the UGB lacks any existing stored water capacity, which leaves residents in this area at the highest risk of losing water during an extended power outage.  Therefore, not only is additional stored water capacity necessary, but it is necessary to locate the capacity within the Northeast quadrant of the City’s UGB.

Anderson-Perry and Associates Engineering examined four alternatives to address these priority needs including placement of storage tanks at either the corner of NE 10th & Punkin Center Road, NE 4th and Punkin Center Road, and off the end of Quail Lane north of the UGB; as well as expanding the pumping capacity of the Alora Heights Booster Pump Station.  It was determined that storage tanks at 10th and Punkin Center and off of Quail Lane are the only two viable options to address the needs.  Additionally, it was determined that the site at 10th & Punkin Center represents a lower cost alternative, as well as a better option for protecting drinking water quality.

This resolution, in addition to declaring 1.5 acres of property near the corner of 10th & Punkin Center a necessity, will direct and authorize the acquisition of this property. 

Tie-In to Council Goals:

2018 Council Goal #3.2, “Complete Water Tank Design,” is due for completion by December 1, 2018.  Anderson Perry & Associates is actively designing these improvements currently, with a goal to achieve that deadline.  This project will not go out to bid for construction until the property is controlled.

Fiscal Information

Acquisition of this site will require compensation to the current property owner in an amount equal to the difference between the parent-parcel’s current Fair Market Value, and what the parent-parcel’s Fair Market Value will be after 1.5 acres is removed for the City’s use.

Alternatives and Recommendation

1.  Approve Resolution #2105
2.  Deny Resolution #2105
3.  Table the Resolution


Approve Resolution #2105

Requested Action/Motion

Motion to approve Resolution #2105

Submitted By:  Mark Morgan
Resolution 2105Resolution Letter
Exhibit A- Res 2105Exhibit
Exhibit B- Res 2105Exhibit